ENT Department

The ENT department comprises of experienced and highly skilled ENT specialists who are experts in treating and conducting surgeries of the Ear, Nose and Throat.The skilled and dedicated specialists of the ENT department at GMC Rajouri, work in collaboration with neurosurgeons, pulmonologists (chest physicians), oncosurgeons, and cosmetic and reconstructive surgeons to provide comprehensive care to patients. They are updated with the latest techniques and advances in the various subspecialties of ENT like ‘Phonosurgery’, ‘Rhinology’, ‘Skull base surgery’, ‘Airway surgery’ etc.

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S.No.NameRegistration No.QualificationDesignationContact No.Email IdMedical Council Details
1Dr. Vidushi Badyal558MBBS MDAssociate Professor HOD9419644980drvidushi25@gmail.comJ&K State Medical Council
2Dr. Mukhtar Ah. Khan1583MBBS MSAssistant Professor9419156342doctorkhan97@gmail.comJ&K State Medical Council
3Dr. Tariq Mehmood11881MBBS, MsSenior Resident8492800923tariq946@gmail.comJ&K State Medical Council